Kompetenzbereich Volkswirtschaftslehre
Finanzwissenschaftliche Steuerlehre (272036)
Termine: Lehrpersonen: Fr. 09:15 - 10:45 | I-401 Todtenhaupt Inhalt: - Einführung in die finanzwissenschaftliche Steuerlehre
- Institutionelle Einführung in das Steuersystem in Deutschland
- Steuerinzidenz
- Steuern und Effizienz
- Optimale Besteuerung
- Umverteilung durch Besteuerung
- Externe Effekte und Umweltsteuern
- Komparative und äquivalente Variation.
Literatur: Jonathan Gruber, Public Finance and Public Policy, 5th edition, Worth Publishers.
Übung zu Finanzwissenschaftliche Steuerlehre (272057)
Termine: Lehrpersonen: Fr. 11:00 - 12:30 | I-401 Marienfeld -
Seminar Staatsverschuldung (272058)
Termine: Lehrpersonen: Blockveranstaltung Todtenhaupt Inhalt: - Empirie der Staatsverschuldung
- Schuldenregeln
- Politische Ökonomie der Staatsverschuldung
- Fiskalräte
- Ökonomische Folgen der Staatsverschuldung.
Bemerkungen: Prüfer: Prof. Dr. Todtenhaupt
Seminar Current Topics in Public Economics (272069)
Termine: Lehrpersonen: Blockveranstaltung (Gruppe 1) Calderón Blockveranstaltung (Gruppe 2) Zyska Bemerkungen: The seminar takes place every winter semester and focusses on a specific topic in public economics.
- The focus of the seminar will be announced at the beginning of the semester.
- Basic knowledge in microeconomics and statistics/econometrics is recommended.
Through their participation in the seminar, students expand their abilities to interpret and discuss topics in public economics based on current academic literature. In this seminar, we will deal with both theoretical concepts and empirical methods in the field of public economics. The seminar also focuses on writing and presentation techniques.
In their term paper, students have to show that they are able to understand a scientific paper in terms of its core messages and its methodology (theoretical and/or empirical). It is expected that they can summarize these aspects in their own words in a clear and concise manner. Moreover, students have to be able to embed the scientific paper in a broader context and to critically discuss the paper.
Prüfer: Prof. Dr. Todtenhaupt